14 November 2013

Get your Namaste on.

Let's face it: yoga can be intimidating. Go on social media, look into a yoga studio, or simply Google it and the vision is made that Yogis are only super flexible individuals that are able to maneuver their bodies into crazy positions and have a great calm all while doing so. These practitioners deserve applause for their dedication and abilities but never forget that everyone has their strengths AND we all start somewhere. Everyone is always a work in progress within their own right and I'm sure they didn't just jump into their first ever yoga session capable of doing a full Peacock Pose (or more properly, Mayurasana). Despite any intimidation factor, in any facet of health & fitness, yoga has been proven to be immensely beneficial for women with PCOS.
In addition to my current workout regimen, I always include at least 2 days a week of yoga practice. Honestly, it wavers from week to week but I feel my best when I awake with sun salutations, even just for 10 minutes each morning and utilize a longer practice for a post-workout stretch and relaxation. I have found that by doing so, my stress hormones are reduced and the intense nature of my workouts and diet do not impact me negatively (such as they were during competition prep; discussed in an earlier posting). Unfortunately, I have never had the opportunity or made the leap to attending a class because of availability near me and time conflicts but I have found YouTube to be a great resource! If you are new to yoga, cramped on time, or want a good meditation practice, I highly recommend:
Yogea ArtFlow Yoga
Plum TV- Yoga with Colleen Saidman
Why is yoga even more beneficial for PCOS?
Breathing techniques (pranayamas) assist in relaxing the mind and assist in meditation.
- This will aid in reducing overall stress, cortisol levels and detox.
Specific postures (asanas) can be done to focus on the pelvic region, reproductive system and organs impacted by hormonal imbalances.
- They will leave you feeling rejuvenated, clean on top of an increase in flexibility, weight loss and in some cases, may be integral in proper organ and system functioning.
How has yoga impacted my life?
When I practice on a regular basis, my OCD tendencies are more in check, depression does not show it's nasty face as easily, I have a better perspective on my current situation because I am forced to be introspective, my flexibility increases slightly each time (this is a huge bonus when lifting), I am grateful in any tumultuous situation, and of course a PCOS favorite: a reduction in breakouts!
Try to do on an empty stomach. (Trust me, I've not waited long enough after a meal and it didn't feel too amazing in my digestive system!)
Drink plenty of water after a practice to rehydrate.
Find an empty, serene area-preferably with a view of nature to ensure complete relaxation and dedication to your practice.
Focus on your breathing-this will help quiet the crazy ongoing thoughts.

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